Jan 5, 2010

Pleiadians and earphones

When I walk in the park, I often see people with earphones on as they walk their dog. In most cases, dogs who are walked by ‘plugged’ owners look a bit lost. The owner is in another world, transported there by the music on his MP3 or IPod. Meanwhile the dog walks in the park, completely in the present moment, not understanding why the boss is not ‘there’. The natural link that bonds dog and owner, is virtually non-existent when owners listen to music.

When I see a dog with a ‘plugged’ owner, I often think you might as well let a robot do the walking; the dog would not notice the difference.

I notice the same thing with my cats. If I pet them while listening to music on my MP3 player, their reaction to me is profoundly different from when my ears are ‘free’. Without earphones I am ‘here’. But if music plays into my ears, I am transported into another world. Or you could say, into another dimension.

The Pleiadians often tell me I should not spend too much time with earphones in my ears. They say that it disables our ability to hear the sounds of the cosmos and of Mother Earth, which naturally attune us to our home and our environment. The Pleiadians are adamant that it is more healthy to listen to music in the place where it is played. And I agree with them.

In my opinion, it is good to stop for a moment and think about how much we use earphones, and how this cuts us off from our natural sources, and from being in the present moment.

Many indigenous and spiritual teachers agree that if we humans want to make the evolutionary leap and become a peaceful species, we will have to attune ourselves with nature. Nature, Earth and the cosmos are continually emitting (inaudible) sounds, that we pick up on and that are translated into our brains. By their frequencies these sounds cause us to change and evolve, and they also align and balance us with Mother Earth, so that we can live in harmony with nature and with each other.

Our whole brain, body and energy field are capable of receiving and picking up on these inaudible sounds and frequencies. However, your ears are especially capable of doing this, and the changes that occur in humans are the most profound when you pick up on these sounds with your ears. What this means is that you will still change and evolve, even when you do listen to your earphones all day long. But when your ears are free, you are able to evolve and change and grow much faster, in a more profound way.

So if you have chosen to prepare yourself for the evolutionary leap, it may be good to observe how often and how long you shut your ears with earphones. According to the Pleiadians, Earth is calling out to us, asking us to grow and journey on with her. When we have earphones in our ears, we do not hear her.

Oct 26, 2009

Astrologers wanted

In my last post Shifting of the planetary archetypes I mentioned that according to the Pleiadians, the archetype of the planet Mars went through a major shift from the War God to the Sacred Warrior on Dec 27/28, 2008. Although I personally believe that this is true, I would still like to test it.

According to the Pleiadians, the Pluto-Gaia opposition (as viewed from Mars) of Dec 28, 2008, offered Mars incredible potential to heal. In my view, if such a major opportunity existed on Mars last December, then the martian (Mars-centric) astrology ought to show it.

I finally got myself to sit down and calculate the marticentric (Mars-centric) planetary positions for both dates. See below. (Orbital eccentricity and orbital inclination have been calculated in.) These are the positions of the planets in the zodiac as viewed from Mars. If you would live on Mars and make an astrological chart of the sky, this is what you would make.

Since I am still learning astrology, I would like to ask the astrologers out there: How would you interpret the two charts for Mars below? Do you feel that these charts represent a significant, or major, opportunity for planetary healing for Mars?

Date: December 27, 2008
Time: 12:28 UT (Capricorn New Moon on Earth)
Location: Mars
House system: None

Sun : 26° 09’ 09” Gemini
Mercury : 11° 23’ 39” Gemini
Venus : 11° 39’ 24” Gemini
Gaia (Earth) : 0° 06’ 34” Cancer
Jupiter : 14° 17’ 46” Aquarius (r)
Saturn : 7° 25’ 42” Virgo
Chiron : 25° 08’ 52” Aquarius (r)
Uranus : 25° 58’ 36” Pisces
Neptune : 26° 04’ 30” Aquarius (r)
Pluto : 1° 10’ 30” Capricorn (r)

Date: December 28, 2008
Time: 20:01:30 UT (Pluto-Mars-Earth alignment/ Pluto-Gaia opposition)
Location: Mars
House system: None

Sun : 26° 53’ 48” Gemini
Mercury : 12° 31’ 30” Gemini
Venus : 12° 48’28” Gemini
Gaia (Earth) : 1° 08’ 53” Cancer
Jupiter : 14° 14’ 07” Aquarius (r)
Saturn : 7° 28’ 55” Virgo
Chiron : 25° 07’ 11” Aquarius (r)
Uranus : 25° 59’ 00” Pisces
Neptune : 26° 03’ 32” Aquarius (r)
Pluto : 1° 08’ 39” Capricorn (r)

I would really appreciate your feedback! You can email me at pleiadianpeaceplan @ gmail . com or leave your comments below.

Best wishes,

Oct 21, 2009

Shifting of the planetary archetypes

According to the Pleiadians, the archetypes of several planets in our solar system shifted about 10,000 – 14,000 years ago. The best example of this archetypal shift, which many of us are able to feel deep within our subconscious, is the archetype of the planet Mars, which shifted from the sacred warrior to the war god. Other examples are the planet Venus, which received the additional archetype of jealousy. Saturn developed too much rigidity. And Chiron became the (wounded) healer planet in our solar system, a role that had previously been filled – and is still filled until this day – by Gaia, the goddess-healer planet.

It is important for us to remember this now. For as humanity is healing and is taking the critical leap in evolution as described by the Mayan calendar, we are shifting the planetary archetypes again! More importantly, we have to recognize ourselves as healers in the solar system. As we have been acting out the ‘new’ planetary archetypes since the shift 10,000 – 14,000 years ago, we have allowed the damaged energy of the other planets to flow out through us. Thus, as true Gaians (see my previous article on this topic) we have already contributed to the healing of the archetypal shift! We have worked our butts off, and we did not have a good time doing it with all the wars and suffering in our planetary field for thousands of years. Now that we are ready to make the evolutionary leap, we will move archetypes such as war, rigidity and jealousy right out of our system and thus enable them to move out of our solar system.

The archetypal shift
About 10,000 – 14,000 years ago, a great cataclysm wrecked several planets in our solar system, including our own. (See Cataclysm! Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9500 B.C. by D.S. Allan & J.B. Delair, and Catastrophobia: The Truth Behind Earth Changes by Barbara Hand Clow.) What probably happened is that highly destructive cosmic assailants (possibly fragments from the Vela Supernova) flew into our solar system, knocking several planets and moons out of their normal orbits, rotational speed and axial tilt, either by gravitational force (close fly-by) or by direct impact. An event of this magnitude could explain the many planetary anomalies in our solar system, such as Mars’s fragmented crust, low magnetic field and slow axial rotation; Venus’s retrograde rotation, Uranus’s axis lying on its side, as well as Earth’s own tilted axis.

According to the Pleiadians, physical changes do not come without archetypal changes, and vice versa. When the planets in our solar system were damaged, which may or may not have included a wipe out of most physical and/or non-physical life forms and societal structures on their surfaces, the physical shock and shift that went through most of the planets caused an archetypal shift as well. According to the Pleiadians, the archetypal shift enabled a non-physical release of physical trauma. What this means is that the impact of the physical alterations in our solar system was partly released through archetypal drama, which is a natural way to restore the balance!

Paradoxically, our human experience with several thousands of years of violence, jealousy, greed and destruction – which are remnants of our own traumatic experience during this great cataclysm – has enabled the planetary pain in our solar system to move through and be released.

The loss of the Garden of Eden
As richly described by Barbara Hand Clow in her books The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind (2007) and Catastrophobia: The Truth Behind Earth Changes (2001) life on Earth before the great cataclysm can be described as the ‘Garden of Eden.’ In The Mayan Code Clow writes:

“According to anthropology, hunters and gatherers opened the first chapters of human history around one hundred thousand years ago, when life was as close to paradise as humans have ever achieved. They say this harmony began to break down when horticulture – people settling down with gardens – was adopted during the early Neolithic Age. I will explore the possibility that some people adopted horticulture, even agriculture, and possibly built maritime cities twenty thousand years ago, and that the previous harmony was lost as a result of weather and Earth changes that began over twelve thousand years ago. Earth changes are the reason archaeologists and anthropologists find few remnants of advanced human activity prior to ten thousand years ago. We don’t find many vestiges of earlier farming and even earlier cities because a great cataclysm 11,500 years ago devastated most of the planet and destroyed the remnants of a global Paleolithic civilization. This is a lost world, which some call Atlantis, and recently many new-paradigm writers have been describing it as a global maritime civilization. Regardless of a more ancient lost world, when city cultures developed five thousand years ago, the idyllic hunter-gatherer and early horticultural life (…) disappeared.” (“The Mayan Code: Time Acceleration and Awakening the World Mind,” p. 60 – Barbara Hand Clow)

Exploring the cataclysm purely from our own perspective, D.S. Allan, J.B. Delair and Barbara Hand Clow describe that the cosmic assailants got so close to our planet, that the water in the rivers, seas and oceans, and the liquid magma in the Earth’s interior began to gravitate towards the passing bodies in the sky. As a result, Earth’s crust buckled, causing volcanic eruptions, earth quakes and the upheaval and fall of masses of land. As large water basins were drained and then filled again, tsunamis raged around the planet, wiping away the settlements of the ancient global maritime civilization and killing its people. It is possible that the atmosphere became electrically supercharged and/or imploded, which may have damaged human neurological systems and caused additional trauma.

After this great planetary upheaval, Earth needed a long time to settle. As a matter of fact, some scientists say that in present time Earth is still in the process of settling from the disruptive changes that were caused by this great cataclysm. For several thousands of years life on our planet was reduced to mere survivalism, instilling a deep fear of hunger and catastrophe in the human race. Our ancient civilization (or former harmonic way of life) was lost and we were thrown back to a more limited level of consciousness and development. We developed a fear-based inner need to hoard, and over time our subconscious unprocessed trauma and deep fear of the Earth and the sky led to the development of violence and aggression. We became afraid of each other!

In order to protect ourselves, we began to build walls, cities and, eventually, armies. Our fear-based inner need to hoard developed into greed, and as we explored our ability to manipulate others by means of violence, we took the step to claim resources and living space by means of violence also. Warfare was born. Since we had become afraid of each other, we felt that we could not be safe unless the other was somehow restrained. Thus, we also began to use violence to control and dominate each other. Within a relatively short period of a few thousand years (which is short if measured against one hundred thousand years of human history) we saw the birth of warfare, patriarchy, dominance and control, destruction of –and alienation from– nature, and slavery.

Archetypal shift versus own responsibility
For years I have been a student of Barbara Hand Clow and I have explored the story of this great cataclysm as much as I could. Just as I thought I understood it to a certain degree, the Pleiadians came in with this radical shift in point of view, namely the archetypal shift of the planets. Suddenly the change from harmony to our destructive and aggressive lifestyle had not only happened because we were traumatized (or simply because we were stupid), but the planetary archetypes had shifted and that was why we got so violent.

After years of exploring the unhealthy aspects of human behaviour and learning that humans have to remember the trauma of the cataclysm in order to heal, suddenly there is this new point of view, which says that humans have been the healers of the solar system by allowing the archetypes of aggression, jealousy, greed and too much rigidity (control) to move through us. In other words: We have contributed to the healing of our solar system by playing out a big archetypal drama for 11,000 years.

I don’t know about you, but I had to sit down and contemplate the implications of that viewpoint for a while. I spent hours and hours wondering what it might mean, and I frequently bombarded the Pleiadians with questions that began with: “Hey, wait a minute, what about…?” Let me share some of the things the Pleiadians had to say:

According to the Pleiadians, it is trivial to ask whether the planetary archetypes shifted so that earthlings (humans) could move through thousands of years of drama to process their own trauma, or whether humans moved through thousands of years of drama because of this huge archetypal shift. They say that the answer is: Both! Our solar system is one big entity in the heavens, what happens to one part of it cannot be seen as separate from the rest of it. The solar system is helping and influencing us, just as we are helping and influencing the solar system. (See my post Reclaiming our role in the solar system.)

What this means is that we are still responsible for healing ourselves and for developing our consciousness so that we can make the evolutionary leap. However, it also means that our whole solar system is involved in this process (as can be seen e.g. by the astounding astrological transits of the final years of the Mayan calendar.) And, it means that our human progress in our evolution and in the healing of our wounds, influences not only the outcome for us on Earth, but for the entire solar system -- and beyond! According to the Pleiadians, our solar system is part of larger galactic systems and sub-systems, so just imagine the job we have to do!

The archetypes and the evolutionary leap
So then I said: Great, the archetypes have shifted, what does this mean for us? I don’t suppose this means that we are stuck with warfare, jealousy and too much rigidity for however long it takes for the next cosmic assailant to pass by, does it?

The Pleiadians explained that, no, we are not stuck with these archetypes. In fact, they are already shifting. Recently (on Dec 27/28, 2008) the archetype of the planet Mars unfroze and began to move back towards the Sacred Warrior. This happened during a Mars-Pluto conjunction (as viewed from Earth), which was a Pluto-Gaia opposition as viewed from Mars, and according to the Pleiadians this opposition offered Mars a tremendous potential to heal.

On Dec 27, 2008 the planetary aspects during the New Moon offered Gaia maximum support to fulfil her role as the goddess-healer for Mars. What happened during this New Moon was that Gaia’s (sensual, feminine and spiritual) energy melted Mars’s frozen crust, and then the release of the rigidity and frozen aggression of Mars moved out through Gaia in what was initially the energy of violent rape before turning into passionate lovemaking. Gaia and Mars reunited on that day, and the deep love of Gaia has been healing the heart of Mars ever since. On Earth we experienced the violent rape energy when Israel invaded Gaza. However, since then we have been seeing more and more signs of the healing of the archetype of force and power (Mars), shifting from the War God back into the Sacred Warrior. Just think of the many movements towards peace that have been initiated.

We will shift as the planets are able to shift. Likewise, by our healing as individuals and as a species, we are freeing up the planets. We are part of a larger reciprocal system of growth and development. We are Gaian healers and we are co-creating with the solar system.

Humans as Gaian healers
Now that we humans are ready to make our evolutionary leap, it is time for us to recognize the deep wounding that we have transmuted as healers of this solar system. We are the children of Gaia, who is the healer of this solar system (aided by Chiron since the cataclysm.) Our tremendous struggle with violence has contributed to the liberation of the whole solar system. We have to honour ourselves for our efforts and release any self-blame and judgment about the so-called destructive ‘nature’ of our own species. We have to recognize that it was only a process, a collective effort, a healing sojourn. As long as we believe our species to be destructive, we are limiting our evolutionary growth potential. Our only problem is that we have been traumatized and that we have been acting out earthly and planetary wounding for several thousands of years.

The time has come for the big alchemy: the transmutation of old pain and the move beyond fear, greed and anger. Now is the time to make that evolutionary leap and to move into harmony, peace and love. We all have an innate ability to do it, for the human species is innately good. We only have to do it.

So keep working on your issues. Take a good and honest look inside and clear out any residues of old fear, anger and pain. As long as we keep going, we’re getting there!


Astrologers: If you can contribute to this article by clarifying or expanding on some of the astrological concepts above, please leave your comments below or contact me by email. The Pleiadians have explained this material to me, but I am still learning the ropes of astrology (my understanding of it is mainly intuitive.) I would therefore greatly appreciate your insights.

Oct 14, 2009

Getting rid of the cross - a Pleiadian channeling

"We Pleiadians do not say that you should not worship Christ or his teachings. What we want you to do, is see the real Christ and strip away the lies that the church and patriarchs have imposed on you. It is time that you realize that, just as Christ, you are divine beings who have the freedom and power to create peace and harmony. You are capable of being deeply spiritual and you are able to let your consciousness grow and develop." ~ message from the Pleiades, 2008

One thing about the Pleiadians is that they sometimes love to be very shocking and confronting. They like to say the most outrageous and heretic things that are bound to push people’s buttons and make them angry. I want to warn you that this post contains one of those confronting Pleiadian messages. This post is highly heretic, for it will tear to shreds one of the most outrageous lies about the worshipping of Jesus Christ. According to the Pleiadians, one of the major scams of the age of Pisces was that the patriarchs of the Roman Empire and the early church fathers managed to get the Christians to worship Jesus Christ on the Cross. In 2008 I channeled a message from the Pleiadians that addresses this issue:

“Peoples of the Earth, you have been fooled. By now you know that the church is out to use people to get power. You are aware that your churches and governments use misinformation to stop people from attaining freedom. You know that your roman catholic church, your World Elite and your governments do all within their might to prevent human consciousness from growing. But one of the most clever and conniving tricks that the church has ever concocted, one that has been so deeply ingrained in your minds that you hardly question it, is one that few of you have ever looked at:

The patriarchs of the Roman Empire and the early church fathers managed to get the Christians to worship Jesus Christ on the Cross, thus blocking the growth of human consciousness!

The early church fathers and the Roman patriarchs told the Christians that Jesus Christ had died for their sins, and that his sacrifice had redeemed them. So let’s address the matter of sin and redemption first.

Many of you believe that worshipping the image of Jesus Christ on the Cross is a humble act, which honours him for the ‘fact’ that he died for your sins. We Pleiadians know that you are sincere when you worship Jesus Christ in this way and that you are coming from your hearts. But get this people – and we know that you don’t like to hear this: Jesus Christ never believed in sin! Look at your Bible stories and look at the way Christ treated those who were supposedly ‘sinners!’ If you would only stop for a moment and wonder how the followers of Jesus Christ came to worship him for supposedly liberating humankind from sin, when Christ did not believe in sin himself, you would be able to free yourself from this mouldy old lie!

Sin has nothing to do with Christ. ‘Sin’ is a concept that was invented by the early patriarchs. It is a construct that is used to control people, and to get them to give their power away. Sin induces fear, and it makes you believe that you have lost a part of your inherent divinity. Wake up, people!! Saying that you could be anything less than divine in the eyes of God, that is what we Pleiadians call heresy! You are a spark of God’s divine essence. Saying that you could lose your divine splendour is like saying that God has ceased to be Divine!

So do not worry about sin!! Learn from your mistakes and do no harm. But shake your brain cells out and dump all those silly ideas about sin. Don’t let anyone lead you around by the nose who wants to make you believe in sin. Some people may make you believe that you are becoming a better person if you believe in sin, and that it will make you humble. But all that it really does, is diminish your power. And that’s the real agenda, folks.

The trick with the Cross
So what do we Pleiadians have to say about the Cross?

The consciousness that you call ‘Christ’ was a divine being who came to Earth to show the way. He taught that all humans could become just like him. When the patriarchs realized that Christ’s teachings were on the verge of causing the enlightenment of the human species, they were not happy. They were not yet willing to give up their power, and so they tried to put a stop to it by means of a bloody persecution of the Christians. But the followers of Christ all resonated with his teachings and there was no way to stop his words from spreading. So the patriarchs and early church fathers took control of the teachings and distorted them, which you have already found out much about in recent years.

But then one of the early church fathers had another clever idea. He said:

“All of these Christians want to be like Jesus Christ. We have to make them believe that they are not able to be like Him, and we have to make them afraid of becoming like Him. As long as they believe this, they will not be able to become as spiritual and enlightened as he was.”

In order to accomplish the implementing of this belief, the patriarchs and early church fathers invented the worship of Christ on the Cross!

How did this serve them? It is very simple: Think back of the times in your history when the gallows (or crosses!) were positioned on a hill outside the town walls, clearly visible from the main roads leading to the town gates. This was a threat and warning to all market people, travelling folks, thieves and others visiting the town, making certain that everyone knew what would happen if they broke the law.

Think of what the Christians, who have for many centuries worshipped the image of Jesus on the cross, have subconsciously been imprinting: “If you want to be like Jesus, you will end up on the cross!”

Retarding the growth of human consciousness
In recent years you have learned a lot about the workings of subliminal messages in movies and advertisements, which are messages so quick or minimal that the conscious mind cannot register them, while the subconscious mind does pick them up. Your scientists have recently confirmed the powerful influence that subliminal messages have on your moods, your beliefs and your choices, even when your conscious minds are occupied with something else entirely. We Pleiadians say that it is time for you to contemplate the effects of the image of ‘Christ on the Cross’ on your subconscious minds.

The lie of the cross has convinced millions of Christians that they cannot possibly be like Christ. They think: “Look at what he was able to go through. I know I could never do that. I will never be able to be like him. I am of much less value than he was.” We Pleiadians say: Get real, people! Christ never said that you had to be able to suffer terrible pain! He was a healer who lovingly relieved the pain of the suffering. By making Christ’s suffering divine, the church has tricked your subconscious minds into believing that in order to be truly divine, you have to be able to let someone hammer nails through your hands and feet!

This subliminal, subconscious mind programming has caused a lot of Christians to feel worthless and completely powerless. They began to give their power away to the church, believing that only the church could save them and offer them a touch of the divine. Notice that this caused them to lose touch with the divine within themselves, which is the complete opposite of the teachings of Christ, who taught people about the divine in all human beings!

The image of the cross has frightened people away from attempting to be like Christ. The subconscious mind registers the warning of the cross and screams: “Becoming spiritual is dangerous! Bad news, buddy! Don’t do that!” Despite well-meaning conscious motivations, the subconscious mind repeatedly says: “Better not be like Christ if you want to stay safe.”

As a result the development of human consciousness has been seriously retarded. You humans could all have developed yourselves a lot further than you have up till now, if it had not been for this insidious lie. Beware that this is exactly what the patriarchs and early church fathers wanted!

Could the early church fathers and patriarchs really have been so cunning, you ask? Yes, they could and they were! They were highly trained in the arts of mind control and they were rubbing their hands with glee when they saw more and more Christians flocking into their churches, gazing up at and adoring the image of Christ on the Cross! Voluntarily, no less!

Marketing the lie
Cunning as they were, the Roman patriarchs and the church fathers did not market the fearful image of Christ on the Cross as a threat. The Roman Empire had tried to openly beat and frighten the Christians away from Christ’s teachings, and failed. So the cunning early church fathers carefully introduced the Christians to the worship of Christ on the Cross. They piously said: “Jesus Christ was our Saviour. He died for our sins, and thus redeemed us. And now God will always welcome us in Heaven, even when we have sinned. Let us honour Him.”

Large campaigns were launched to advertise the cross as the new symbol of Christianity. Thousands of effigies of Jesus Christ on the Cross were crafted and placed in churches and in people’s homes. Huge crosses were erected everywhere, and people wore cross pendants ranging from highly expensive ones with rubies and sapphires laid in silver and gold, to the simplest ones carved out of wood. In all sermons and prayers Christians were reminded of the ‘Sacrifice of our Lord.’ And thus the doctrine of ‘Jesus died for our sins’ was spread as far and wide as possible.

And the Christians took the bait. In awe of Jesus Christ and a little fearful of the ominous preachers with their sin doctrine (imagine you could lose your divinity/be a sinner!) the Christians began to devoutly worship their teacher, Jesus Christ, for his death and his redemption of the human race. But as we have mentioned, it was all a huge scam! Spot the lies again: 1) Jesus did not believe in sin. 2) Jesus taught that God always welcomes you with open arms, regardless of your struggles in life. So why would any of his followers believe in the need for redemption? The story was false and utterly ridiculous! The only reason it was swallowed, was that people believed in sin! Which was an old remnant of the patriarchy, not one of Christ’s teachings!

It is time for you to see how you have been fooled by those old patriarchs!

Time to wake up!
We Pleiadians like to trigger you by saying things that are completely outrageous to you. For if it makes you blazingly angry, it means that your energy is moving after having been stuck for a long time. And so we ask you: Don’t you think it is strange to worship the corpse of your teacher nailed to a piece of wood?? Think about it!

When we first mentioned this to Maaike, she was grossed out and simultaneously highly amused by visualizing herself putting an image of her teacher Barbara Hand Clow’s decaying body on the wall one day. Do you think that’s disgusting? Good! Now ask yourself why you are doing this with Jesus!

It is time for you to wake up and shake off the weight of the cross. You have been fooled by the patriarchy and the church, and it is high time you see through the lies and take back your freedom and your power. We Pleiadians do not say that you should not worship Christ or his teachings. What we want you to do, is see the real Christ and strip away the lies that the church and patriarchs have imposed on you. Forget about the cross! It is time that you realize that, just as Christ, you are divine beings who have the freedom and power to create peace and harmony. You are capable of being deeply spiritual and you are able to let your consciousness grow and develop. You can be like Christ, and no nails shall have to be hammered through your hands and feet in order for you to attain this!”

Sep 23, 2009

Reclaiming our role in the solar system

"Before we first incarnated here, we all agreed to be responsible inhabitants of this solar system. And at present we are not doing what we agreed upon and promised." ~ Maaike van Oosterom

There was a time on our planet when humans honored the relationship we had with our brother and sister planets in the solar system. Thousands of years ago, when the stars shone more brightly in the sky at night, humans lived in harmonic symbiosis with Nature. In those days the people on Earth were more intuitive than they are today. They were deeply sensitive to the many vibrations of Nature, and highly attuned to the varying levels of consciousness (such as nature spirits, elemental consciousness, the consciousness of rocks, and consciousness from the stars) that permeate existence.

These humans were not able to see every planet in our solar system with the naked eye. But they were able to intuit the great archetypal forces of the planets in the sky. They honored these forces.

A remnant of this long relationship with the solar system can be seen in today’s astrology. However, astrology focuses mainly on the effect that the other planets have on us. Whereas thousands of years ago, humans were likewise deeply aware of the effect that Gaia has on the other planets in the solar system. This is often forgotten in modern times.

Earth’s influence on other planets
Just as the vibration and consciousness of the other planets, like Jupiter, Mars or Uranus, influence life on Earth by creating energy fields that hold certain potentials, so does the vibration and consciousness of Gaia (Earth) influence the other planets. Take Mars for example: Gaia’s aspects with other planets-as viewed from Mars-create ‘Gaianesque’ fields of potential on Mars. She thus influences Mars as a planet, she influences events occurring on Mars’ surface (think of our missions to Mars.) And if there is any truth to the existence of life on Mars, be it in bacterial form, in more advanced physical forms, or as non-physical forms of consciousness, Gaia influences them, also.

The same holds true for all other planets in our solar system. They are all influenced by Gaia.

What does this mean for us?

We are part of Gaia. We are living on Earth’s surface and we are part of her energy field. In a healthy situation, all beings living on a planetary surface live in harmony with the planetary energy field. That is, when we live on a planet, we must all resonate with the core (= consciousness) of that planet.

Thus, in a healthy situation, when Gaia’s consciousness/energy flows out towards the other planets, we resonate with that energy. We are transmitters of Gaian energy on the planetary surface, and we contribute to interplanetary harmony by vibrating Gaian energy into the cosmos as we live our lives. But when we don’t resonate with the core (= consciousness) of our planet, we are like little distorting energy pulses that cause ‘static’ in Earth’s energy as it flows into the cosmos. And that is a serious problem.

In present time, we have littered the surface of Mother Earth with humans who do not resonate with her core. By our overpopulation and by our totally dysfunctional choice to resonate with the media instead of with Gaia, we are seriously hindering Earth’s ability to play her part in the Solar System. Since we are meant to support Gaia and harmonize with her, we are not playing our part in the solar system!

Before we first incarnated here, we have all agreed to honor the laws of the solar system and of planetary life. We agreed to honor the balance and harmony of the planets and the Sun. We agreed to harmonize and resonate with the planet upon which we lived. We not only agreed to be responsible Keepers of Earth’s surface, we also agreed to be responsible inhabitants of this solar system. And at present we are not doing what we agreed upon and promised.

Licking our wounds
Our Solar System and Universe Society have long had patience with the human species. There is a lot of understanding for our species and for all the grave errors that we have made. Why? About 11,500 years ago humans were severely traumatized when a gigantic cataclysm wrecked not only our own planet, but almost the entire solar system. (See “Catastrophobia: The Truth behind Earth Changes” by Barbara Hand Clow.) This is the reason that humans have lost their natural resonance with Earth and with the cosmos. We became fearful of Earth and the cosmos. We no longer trusted them. We neither trusted them to keep us safe, nor to give us what we needed.

The human race is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder en masse, which is the reason behind our aggressive behavior. Long periods of starvation after the great cataclysm have caused our species to develop a fear-based inner drive to hoard, and to want to have more than we need. This subconscious fear-driven desire has ultimately brought us to our present war, greed and fear-filled consumerist way of life. We are far, far away from healthy resonance with our Mother Earth.

Earth, the Solar System and the Universe have long tolerated this. They understood that we needed time to recover from the major trauma that we suffered. But now it is time for us to heal. We have to remember the major trauma and we have to let go of our fearful coping mechanisms, for they are destroying the planet. We can no longer jam-pack Earth’s surface with our distorting energy pulses. We must go back into resonance with Gaia and remember that our consciousness as Gaians (earthlings) influences the entire solar system.

What can I do?
Remembering is the most important thing now. Remember that your consciousness influences not just Earth, but the entire solar system. Remember that you agreed to live in harmony here, when you first came to this corner of the galaxy. Remember that it is your job to be a responsible Earthling. That you must resonate with Gaia.


Resonate and live in harmony with nature. Realize that your fear of hunger, your fear of disaster and your fear of violence are all remnants of an ancient trauma. We have spent several thousands of years acting out this old trauma. Now it is time to let it go and simply heal.

More posts on this topic will follow. For now, just remember.


PS. Barbara Hand Clow teaches that in order for us to heal this trauma, we must remember our (true!) story. I therefore highly recommend her book 'Catastrophobia: The Truth Behind Earth Changes' which tells the story of the cataclysm and its devastating effects on humanity, even in present time. You can order it here.

Sep 19, 2009

'Going out of body': an unnatural habit

Humans have detached themselves from the universal macrocosm by becoming ungrounded, by separating themselves from their Inner Light and by going out of their bodies. The quarantine is reciprocal! ~ Maaike van Oosterom

As many of us know, these days humans have a tendency to go out of their bodies when they experience trauma or pain. This is often seen as a ‘natural’ coping mechanism that prevents us from suffering. However, going out of body when in pain or stress, is not natural. It is a relatively new habit, one we took on only about 10,000 – 12,000 years ago. And it is not healthy. In fact, going out of body inhibits our natural ability to heal, it causes us to suffer much more pain than necessary and it leaves us vulnerable to trauma.

But if it is so unhealthy, then why are we doing it?

About 11,500 years ago, Earth went through a great cataclysm. (See 'Catastrophobia: The Truth behind Earth Changes' by Barbara Hand Clow.) Humans were deeply traumatized and lost their trust in Earth, Nature and the cosmos. Our natural symbiosis with Earth, Nature and the cosmos was shattered. As a result, we forgot our natural way to heal.

In this post I want to tell you about our long-forgotten natural way to heal, and teach you how you can do it yourself.

Humankind's natural way to heal
What is this ‘natural way to heal’ and how do I know about it? When I travel back in time – either by past-life regression, trance-travel, exploring cellular memory codes, or in readings of other people’s past lives – I nearly always find that before the cataclysm, humans were much less affected by pain or disease. They handled – even severe – wounding with a lot more grace and peacefulness than we do these days.

I often wondered how they did this. Had we modern humans become such wimps?

So I went back and scanned ( ‘read’) the energy fields of the wounded pre-cataclysmic humans, who were so peaceful despite their serious physical conditions. I had thought that perhaps it was necessary to become nearly enlightened first to attain that level of grace. Fortunately, this is not the case.

What pre-cataclysmic humans did, is this:

1) You connect as deeply as you can with Earth.
2) You connect as deeply as you can with your body – including the area that is in pain.
3) You connect as deeply as you can with your ‘inner light’.

That's all.

I went back and tested it in my own life, and the results are astounding. Pain (even severe pain) goes away or becomes bearable in less than one minute, healing is accelerated, and chronic conditions disappear.

How did I test it?
So how did I test it? I tested it e.g. when I fell from the top of a steep stairway and crashed my knee into a metal bar. I tested it when I broke my toe. I tested it when my thumb got crushed between the jaws of a fanatic fighter dog (it didn’t attack me, we both grabbed a stick at the same time, and the dog did not let go). I used the ancient method of handling pain and each time the results were as above. In less than a minute the pain disappeared.

Interestingly, I had liberal opportunity to experiment with this ancient method of handling pain. I had a chronic condition, resulting from a broken tailbone, which had for more than 16 years caused me excruciating pains when I used the bathroom. These pains were so bad that they often caused me to vomit or faint. I had learned several techniques for dealing with pain: Breathing, for one. And ‘not resisting the pain’ as an important second. These techniques really helped to ride out the pain.

But when I started using the ancient technique described above, something completely different happened:

In less than a minute, the pain completely vanished. It did not just lessen. It was gone. Where normally I would be in terrible pain for up to 20 – 30 minutes, the pain now simply disappeared. More interestingly: After about two weeks of using this technique, the pains became less frequent and within 3 months they ceased.

How does it work?
a) When we connect with Earth and simultaneously with our bodies, we enable Earth to read or scan our bodies. She then instantly responds by sending us what we need to heal and feel better.
b) When we connect with our Inner Light, we connect with the stars and the light/consciousness in the cosmos.
c) When we connect with our Inner Light and simultaneously with our bodies, we enable the light/consciousness in the cosmos to read or scan our bodies. They then instantly respond by sending us what we need to heal and feel better.

As above, so below: Just as our whole body responds to the needs of individual organs which are in trouble or in pain, so does the whole universe respond to the needs of species, or of individuals of that species, who are in trouble or in pain. But the trick is: Before the universe or Earth respond, they must first know that something’s wrong.

In order for Earth/Gaia to attune to our needs, we have to be in touch with Earth (grounded) and simultaneously in touch with our bodies.
In order for the Universe to attune to our needs, we have to be in touch with our Inner Light and simultaneously in touch with our bodies.

Humans have detached themselves from the universal macrocosm by becoming ungrounded, by separating themselves from their Inner Light and by going out of their bodies!! There is a lot of talking about Earth’s quarantine. But the quarantine is reciprocal!

If your consciousness is out of touch with your body, or out of touch with an aspect of your life, how are Earth and the Universe to know that it is part of you? When you go out of your body to escape your pain, the light/consciousness of the stars will feel you as a spirit in distress reaching out to them. But they’ll barely be able to feel your body. When you are in pain, Earth wants nothing more than to help you. But when you leave your body and try hard not to feel the pain, she cannot properly tune in to your needs. She will feel your body, but since your spirit in distress is ‘out of your body’ and not in touch with her, she will barely be able to feel your pain. How then will she know that her help is required?

In other words, for humans to be healthy, they have to master the alchemy of:
1) being in touch with Earth
2) being in touch with their bodies and their 3rd dimensional lives
3) being in touch with their Inner Light.

How can I learn this?
When you next experience pain, simply begin by connecting as deeply with Earth as you can. Don’t just use a grounding cord. Use your intent and ask all parts of your body and consciousness that know how to connect with Earth, to do so.

Then, connect deeply with your body. Especially with the part(s) of your body that hurt(s). Feel the pain as deeply as you can. Feel your discomfort and your distress.

At this point you may need a little trust. For most of us it will be very scary to do this. For several thousands of years we have been conditioned/inclined to flee from pain and to go out of our bodies. You may need to clear out your own fear and old beliefs first. Remember, feeling your pain while you are simultaneously connected with Earth, enables Earth to know what is going on with you. It is like telling the doctor where it hurts. Trust! She will instantly respond with pain relief. But you must let her feel how bad it is. In other words, you must feel the depths of your pain.

Then, connect as deeply as you can with your Inner Light. Remember to stay connected with your body and with Earth.

That’s all.

Practice makes perfect
This is a practice. The first few times it may be challenging to stay in your body, to ground and to connect with your pain. It may also be challenging to stay connected with Earth and your body once you connect with your Inner Light, because it is very tempting to shoot up into the Light and out of your body once you feel the cosmic energies coming in to heal and soothe you.

Be patient with yourself and keep trying. For example: When I fell down the stairs and smashed my knee against a metal bar, I felt myself instantly going out of my body. Nausea filled me and I was about to faint, when I remembered to connect with Earth. I immediately plunked back down into my body and for a moment the pain rose to unbearable height. But I trusted, connected more deeply with the pain and inwardly screamed my agony out to Earth. Within 15 seconds the pain began to fade, and disappeared.

This may sound easy, but I was able to trust, because I had done it before. By this time I had experienced many times how fast Earth comes rushing in with pain relief and healing. The first few times I tried it, I really struggled with my deep inner urge to go out of my body and flee from the pain. I often panicked. It was only because the pain relief and healing that I received from Earth, was equal to my ability to stay grounded and in my body and to feel the pain, that I kept trying. Once I learned to trust that Earth would really come with pain relief, it got a lot easier.

And that’s the most important point. Humans have to learn to trust Earth again. I believe that one of the most important keys to our health – and to world peace – is that we have to reawaken our symbiotic relationship with Earth and the cosmos.

Good luck! And if you want, let me know how it goes. I’d really appreciate your feedback.


PS. Following legitimate comments from readers, I would like to add that this post is about going out of body when we experience pain or stress. According to the Pleiadians there are situations in which it is ok for humans to go out of body:

- when we sleep
- when we intentionally journey out of body (e.g. shamanic journeys), provided that we ensure additional protection of the physical form that stays behind!
- when a very serious wound, disease or blow to the head renders us unconscious
- when we die

Sep 1, 2009

Clearer communication with E.T. intelligences

In this first post I would like to contradict a very popular new age idea, namely the belief that E.T. intelligences (be it Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, or whichever E.T. intelligence one might like to communicate with) do not understand 3rd dimensional reality. How often have I not heard, "The Pleiadians do not understand what it is like to be in a physical body," "The Andromedans do not understand time," "The Sirians give advice that is way too wild, they have no idea what my Earthly life is like!"

Here's the deal, people: The Pleiadians and many of their extraterrestrial consorts are perfectly capable of understanding what our 3D life is like. They are capable of tuning in to us and scanning our bodies, our environments and everything that is going on in our lives. However, in order for them to be able to do this, we must be in our bodies, grounded in our 3D reality, and consciously aware of and in touch with our environment.

A lot of new agers let their consciousness go up into the higher dimensions when they meditate, or when they communicate with E.T. intelligences such as the Pleiadians. This is perfectly fine. However, you must realize: When humans meditate like this, the Pleiadians perceive these humans as 'bodiless spirits/intelligences' appearing in the higher dimensions. If your consciousness leaves your body while you communicate with the Pleiadians, and if you are neither aware of nor in touch with your body during your communication, then you make it very hard for the Pleiadians to locate your body and to read its codes, also.

When you use your consciousness to communicate with E.T. intelligences, the E.T. intelligences can scan, tune into and read everything that your consciousness is aware of. If you are out of touch with something, E.T. intelligences usually have trouble reading/scanning it, also.

Imagine you hurt your toe really badly. You go out of your body, attempting not to feel the pain, and you call out to the Pleiadians for aid. The Pleiadians are then able to feel your consciousness in distress, and they'll probably want to help. But as long as you are trying hard not to be in touch with your body, they can barely locate the source of the problem. At the most, they'll be able to feel the little bit of pain that you are not able to block out of your consciousness.

What this means is that, if you want the Pleiadians to help you with your painful toe, you must feel your toe and your pain as deeply as you can. Feel the discomfort, feel the bruising, feel the pain. Be present with your aching toe, in the here and now. Only then will the Pleiadians be able to scan your toe and know what is going on. Once you learn to do this, you will find that the Pleiadians are masters at working with - and healing - the human body. They are extremely knowledgable about our human bodies.

Notice that it works this way with all communications with E.T. intelligences - and with terrestrial intelligences (trees, rocks, elementals, etc) as well, btw.

Therefore if you ask E.T. intelligences for advice, don't go up in the ethers if you want them to give you advice about daily life. Stay in your body and feel all components of your daily life as best as you can. Show them your time or work restraints by being aware of them yourself, and you will see that the E.T. intelligences will incorporate your time or work restraints in their advice.

If you complain that the E.T. intelligences you work with do not understand your life, ask yourself: How in touch with your life are you when you communicate with them? Do you allow your consciousness to go over the trouble in your life? Or do you bliss out in your communion with these wonderful E.T. beings, and block out any awareness of your earthly life for as long as the communion lasts?

If your E.T. pals do not seem to understand time...how 'in the now' are you while you communicate with them?

Try it. I find from more than a year of personal experience that it works.


PS. If you want to learn how to be in touch with other dimensions while simultaneously being grounded in your body in the 3rd dimension, I highly recommend the book 'Alchemy of Nine Dimensions' by Barbara Hand Clow and Gerry Clow, as well as the 'Journeys Through Nine Dimensions' workshops that Barbara and Gerry Clow teach.

If you live in Europe, you can also do a Nine Dimensions activation/workshop with me. I will be teaching several 9 dimensions workshops in Europe in the 2009/2010 season, dates will be announced soon. If you'd like to attend, or if you'd like me to teach in your area (world wide), send me an email at pleiadianpeaceplan @ gmail . com or go to my website http://www.maaikevanoosterom.nl/ for more details.