Oct 14, 2009

Getting rid of the cross - a Pleiadian channeling

"We Pleiadians do not say that you should not worship Christ or his teachings. What we want you to do, is see the real Christ and strip away the lies that the church and patriarchs have imposed on you. It is time that you realize that, just as Christ, you are divine beings who have the freedom and power to create peace and harmony. You are capable of being deeply spiritual and you are able to let your consciousness grow and develop." ~ message from the Pleiades, 2008

One thing about the Pleiadians is that they sometimes love to be very shocking and confronting. They like to say the most outrageous and heretic things that are bound to push people’s buttons and make them angry. I want to warn you that this post contains one of those confronting Pleiadian messages. This post is highly heretic, for it will tear to shreds one of the most outrageous lies about the worshipping of Jesus Christ. According to the Pleiadians, one of the major scams of the age of Pisces was that the patriarchs of the Roman Empire and the early church fathers managed to get the Christians to worship Jesus Christ on the Cross. In 2008 I channeled a message from the Pleiadians that addresses this issue:

“Peoples of the Earth, you have been fooled. By now you know that the church is out to use people to get power. You are aware that your churches and governments use misinformation to stop people from attaining freedom. You know that your roman catholic church, your World Elite and your governments do all within their might to prevent human consciousness from growing. But one of the most clever and conniving tricks that the church has ever concocted, one that has been so deeply ingrained in your minds that you hardly question it, is one that few of you have ever looked at:

The patriarchs of the Roman Empire and the early church fathers managed to get the Christians to worship Jesus Christ on the Cross, thus blocking the growth of human consciousness!

The early church fathers and the Roman patriarchs told the Christians that Jesus Christ had died for their sins, and that his sacrifice had redeemed them. So let’s address the matter of sin and redemption first.

Many of you believe that worshipping the image of Jesus Christ on the Cross is a humble act, which honours him for the ‘fact’ that he died for your sins. We Pleiadians know that you are sincere when you worship Jesus Christ in this way and that you are coming from your hearts. But get this people – and we know that you don’t like to hear this: Jesus Christ never believed in sin! Look at your Bible stories and look at the way Christ treated those who were supposedly ‘sinners!’ If you would only stop for a moment and wonder how the followers of Jesus Christ came to worship him for supposedly liberating humankind from sin, when Christ did not believe in sin himself, you would be able to free yourself from this mouldy old lie!

Sin has nothing to do with Christ. ‘Sin’ is a concept that was invented by the early patriarchs. It is a construct that is used to control people, and to get them to give their power away. Sin induces fear, and it makes you believe that you have lost a part of your inherent divinity. Wake up, people!! Saying that you could be anything less than divine in the eyes of God, that is what we Pleiadians call heresy! You are a spark of God’s divine essence. Saying that you could lose your divine splendour is like saying that God has ceased to be Divine!

So do not worry about sin!! Learn from your mistakes and do no harm. But shake your brain cells out and dump all those silly ideas about sin. Don’t let anyone lead you around by the nose who wants to make you believe in sin. Some people may make you believe that you are becoming a better person if you believe in sin, and that it will make you humble. But all that it really does, is diminish your power. And that’s the real agenda, folks.

The trick with the Cross
So what do we Pleiadians have to say about the Cross?

The consciousness that you call ‘Christ’ was a divine being who came to Earth to show the way. He taught that all humans could become just like him. When the patriarchs realized that Christ’s teachings were on the verge of causing the enlightenment of the human species, they were not happy. They were not yet willing to give up their power, and so they tried to put a stop to it by means of a bloody persecution of the Christians. But the followers of Christ all resonated with his teachings and there was no way to stop his words from spreading. So the patriarchs and early church fathers took control of the teachings and distorted them, which you have already found out much about in recent years.

But then one of the early church fathers had another clever idea. He said:

“All of these Christians want to be like Jesus Christ. We have to make them believe that they are not able to be like Him, and we have to make them afraid of becoming like Him. As long as they believe this, they will not be able to become as spiritual and enlightened as he was.”

In order to accomplish the implementing of this belief, the patriarchs and early church fathers invented the worship of Christ on the Cross!

How did this serve them? It is very simple: Think back of the times in your history when the gallows (or crosses!) were positioned on a hill outside the town walls, clearly visible from the main roads leading to the town gates. This was a threat and warning to all market people, travelling folks, thieves and others visiting the town, making certain that everyone knew what would happen if they broke the law.

Think of what the Christians, who have for many centuries worshipped the image of Jesus on the cross, have subconsciously been imprinting: “If you want to be like Jesus, you will end up on the cross!”

Retarding the growth of human consciousness
In recent years you have learned a lot about the workings of subliminal messages in movies and advertisements, which are messages so quick or minimal that the conscious mind cannot register them, while the subconscious mind does pick them up. Your scientists have recently confirmed the powerful influence that subliminal messages have on your moods, your beliefs and your choices, even when your conscious minds are occupied with something else entirely. We Pleiadians say that it is time for you to contemplate the effects of the image of ‘Christ on the Cross’ on your subconscious minds.

The lie of the cross has convinced millions of Christians that they cannot possibly be like Christ. They think: “Look at what he was able to go through. I know I could never do that. I will never be able to be like him. I am of much less value than he was.” We Pleiadians say: Get real, people! Christ never said that you had to be able to suffer terrible pain! He was a healer who lovingly relieved the pain of the suffering. By making Christ’s suffering divine, the church has tricked your subconscious minds into believing that in order to be truly divine, you have to be able to let someone hammer nails through your hands and feet!

This subliminal, subconscious mind programming has caused a lot of Christians to feel worthless and completely powerless. They began to give their power away to the church, believing that only the church could save them and offer them a touch of the divine. Notice that this caused them to lose touch with the divine within themselves, which is the complete opposite of the teachings of Christ, who taught people about the divine in all human beings!

The image of the cross has frightened people away from attempting to be like Christ. The subconscious mind registers the warning of the cross and screams: “Becoming spiritual is dangerous! Bad news, buddy! Don’t do that!” Despite well-meaning conscious motivations, the subconscious mind repeatedly says: “Better not be like Christ if you want to stay safe.”

As a result the development of human consciousness has been seriously retarded. You humans could all have developed yourselves a lot further than you have up till now, if it had not been for this insidious lie. Beware that this is exactly what the patriarchs and early church fathers wanted!

Could the early church fathers and patriarchs really have been so cunning, you ask? Yes, they could and they were! They were highly trained in the arts of mind control and they were rubbing their hands with glee when they saw more and more Christians flocking into their churches, gazing up at and adoring the image of Christ on the Cross! Voluntarily, no less!

Marketing the lie
Cunning as they were, the Roman patriarchs and the church fathers did not market the fearful image of Christ on the Cross as a threat. The Roman Empire had tried to openly beat and frighten the Christians away from Christ’s teachings, and failed. So the cunning early church fathers carefully introduced the Christians to the worship of Christ on the Cross. They piously said: “Jesus Christ was our Saviour. He died for our sins, and thus redeemed us. And now God will always welcome us in Heaven, even when we have sinned. Let us honour Him.”

Large campaigns were launched to advertise the cross as the new symbol of Christianity. Thousands of effigies of Jesus Christ on the Cross were crafted and placed in churches and in people’s homes. Huge crosses were erected everywhere, and people wore cross pendants ranging from highly expensive ones with rubies and sapphires laid in silver and gold, to the simplest ones carved out of wood. In all sermons and prayers Christians were reminded of the ‘Sacrifice of our Lord.’ And thus the doctrine of ‘Jesus died for our sins’ was spread as far and wide as possible.

And the Christians took the bait. In awe of Jesus Christ and a little fearful of the ominous preachers with their sin doctrine (imagine you could lose your divinity/be a sinner!) the Christians began to devoutly worship their teacher, Jesus Christ, for his death and his redemption of the human race. But as we have mentioned, it was all a huge scam! Spot the lies again: 1) Jesus did not believe in sin. 2) Jesus taught that God always welcomes you with open arms, regardless of your struggles in life. So why would any of his followers believe in the need for redemption? The story was false and utterly ridiculous! The only reason it was swallowed, was that people believed in sin! Which was an old remnant of the patriarchy, not one of Christ’s teachings!

It is time for you to see how you have been fooled by those old patriarchs!

Time to wake up!
We Pleiadians like to trigger you by saying things that are completely outrageous to you. For if it makes you blazingly angry, it means that your energy is moving after having been stuck for a long time. And so we ask you: Don’t you think it is strange to worship the corpse of your teacher nailed to a piece of wood?? Think about it!

When we first mentioned this to Maaike, she was grossed out and simultaneously highly amused by visualizing herself putting an image of her teacher Barbara Hand Clow’s decaying body on the wall one day. Do you think that’s disgusting? Good! Now ask yourself why you are doing this with Jesus!

It is time for you to wake up and shake off the weight of the cross. You have been fooled by the patriarchy and the church, and it is high time you see through the lies and take back your freedom and your power. We Pleiadians do not say that you should not worship Christ or his teachings. What we want you to do, is see the real Christ and strip away the lies that the church and patriarchs have imposed on you. Forget about the cross! It is time that you realize that, just as Christ, you are divine beings who have the freedom and power to create peace and harmony. You are capable of being deeply spiritual and you are able to let your consciousness grow and develop. You can be like Christ, and no nails shall have to be hammered through your hands and feet in order for you to attain this!”


  1. Dearest Maaike, are you planning to come to Spain for workshops/attunements? Thanks :)

  2. I am planning on going to Bordeaux, France in the coming year. (No dates available yet.) See my website www.maaikevanoosterom.com for details. I can certainly also come to Spain, but I have no workshops planned there at this point. If you like, email me at: 9 dimensies @ gmail dot com

  3. Gracias! Maybe next year I can attend in France, anyway we'll stay in contact, we'll see how things flow next year. Thank you so much for your work :)

  4. I also channel off-worlders and sometimes receive shocking messages. They speak all about manifestation and the collective consciousness. They call the anti-christ the "anti-life.". They also talk a lot about the "fruits" we are sowing and reaping; how to pay attention to the fruits of the world in order to learn what lifestyles and philosophies are on a path of love and peace and which lead to pollution (a symbol for what we have done to the collective consciousness). This is the message I received today when thinking about a post I saw saying the new-age was false light:

    Remember that the prophecy of Revelations states a time would befall your planet when almost ALL are deceived. Christianity itself has been reduced to paganism and the worship of idols. Is not the crucifix an object to represent Christ? Where did Christ say to worship objects? Where did Moses?

    The truth is, very few within your day and age know how to follow the way or the path of Christ. Many are conditioned to accept that if they worship a cross and attend church services that they "believe" in Christ. It is only a small taste. Those within the new-age community do not necessarily have the true path either; seeking, like Christians, to find salvation outside the self.

    If you can begin to look at Nature as being alive and holy, you will begin to find what is a mirror for your Self. You will begin to know what is truth and what is false from the fruits created from the work of your hands--in regard to your environment. If you can learn to see the fruits, you can begin to treat everything as sacred. This reverence helps you to move into Unity Consciousness; as you realize how the Holy Spark unites you all; you begin to think as the One consciousness and what is manifesting rather than simply about Separation Consciousness and what can be gained for the smaller self.

    There is truth to the prophecy of the bible. The harlot of Revelations represents men as they are conditioned to believe they have to sell themselves for money; has to treat life as a possession. In truth, none of you can own or sell anything. It belongs to the whole.

    However, there has entered much confusion, and the heads (thoughts) and hands (what is used to create) of mankind have turned toward a use that serves an anti-life purpose. With this anti-life purpose, riches are perceived as material instead of spiritual. Life is destroyed in order to create lifeless objects to worship. The perception of life being sacred is lost, and what is desired is the attainment of what is lifeless and transitory. With a predominant consciousness caught up in this preoccupation with lifelessness--rejecting life-- this is what yields fruits that communicate you have strayed off the path of recognizing your own holiness.

    The true movement is back inward to the self. Releasing the striving in the external world. Find the Holy Spirit within. Do not seek it through external means, attunements, activations, increasing the vibration of your planet or body etc. Remember your masters, who achieved enlightenment through simplicity.

    If you want to believe in Christ, believe in him and walk with him. If you have no faith in Him than acknowledge this. But no one walks with Christ who serves another master; which only happens out of fear. This is why Jesus showed the way by allowing his life to be a sacrifice. The path is following the law of spirit over the laws and ways of men. Let go of the worship of false idols, authorities, structures, institutions and other things.

  5. Hello dear one..

    I only worship Jesus in Spirit and in Truth and I also believe No man comes to God but by JESUS!!

    You are in my heart and prayers..

    With Love..In Christ.. :o)

  6. “Jesus, I feel lost. Open my heart to accept Your Love and show me the Truth, so that I may be saved.”

    My Words of Warning are not a threat. This event has been known since My death on the Cross. Why do you think it cannot happen? The Truth lies in the Scripture, for all to understand. I will act as your Saviour, right up to the last minute, before I come, as Just Judge, so that I can finally lead My children to My family of great love, joy and happiness, where all will live in harmony for eternity.

    Satan and his followers will be plunged into darkness forever. My family will witness the joy and Divine Heavens, which no man, were they to glimpse just a taste of what it promises, would turn their back on this pure happiness in My Father’s Kingdom.

    Pray, pray for forgiveness and enter My Father’s Kingdom in glory where you, and your loved ones, will be welcomed into the Light of Pure Love.

    I will fight to win you all back
    I died for all of you and I will fight to win you all back to Me, despite the darkness of evil in the world, up to the very last moment.

    Please, let Me show you how much I love you, once more. Take My Hand now, place your head on My Shoulder and your gentle soul will be set aflame with a love you have forgotten.

    Your loving Saviour
    Jesus Christ

    1. If you are right then I recieve everything you do but what if I'm right with my Christian beliefs, and you are wrong, I will recieve life eternal but you will not. With something as important as every lasting life versus every lasting torment I chose to land on the safe side. Christians win no matter what. The stakes could not be higher we are not betting on a go cart race here. I choose Jesus and in the end I win no matter what.

    2. Amen to that my friend. Us Christians have nothing to lose. These New Age fellows have everything to lose if they are wrong. But we can be wrong, and still be saved. It does not work the other way around though.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. About the crucifix problem--History seems to go along with what the Pleidans say. How many nations have been brutally conquered in the sign of the cross? How much violence seems to have occurred around this sign? The Inquisition was not done by Hindus and native aborigines. Nothing wrong with Jesus- but he has been misrepresented by people who seek power and earlier texts found in caves and hidden places seem to indicate a different gospel than what we have been sold for the last 1500 years. I think we have been had- look at how much money and power the Church has too! They took much of it by force!

  9. I have read this and prayed to know if this message is true or false. And by the still small voice of The Holy Spirit I know this is true.

  10. I have read this and prayed to know if this message is true or false. And by the still small voice of The Holy Spirit I know this is true.

  11. There is to much misinformation on this planet and to many lies and manipulations if truth including the Jesus story. What about the thriving civilizations in the jungle that have not yet been discovered yet. They have not had a chance to hear the teachings of Jesus so then how is that a fairNess to humanity. Jesus never said his father in heaven was YHWH. Not once and the name of the creator is covered with Lord or LORD in many ways and the YAH is known as the Cannanite god of Saturn and in ancient Judea practice they would sacrifice their sons in a burning bush, to apease the god of saturn, the God of judgement, I believe the tent Moses and the Hebrews carried in the desert was the same tent of Molech. I Believe they were using the same power to defeat their enemies as the Germans were. They God YAWH also dropped poisonous snakes on them in the desert, that does not sound like the loving merciful father of Jesus to me. In my opinion Jesus is God, the soul of all creation entered his own creation,earth and even now thesee power structures of the illuminati have corrupted the truth, humans were from the very beginNing created as a slave species to the annunakI to harvest their gold. It's not sure whether it was Enki or Enlil who preserved human life on Noah's ark, YHAH or Lucifer, Thoth, or JHVH. There is to much confusion and due to the Mandela effect and what Cern is doing we won't even be able to trust the bible that has already been manipulated in the past. I SEEK KNOWLEDGE, I only find confusion and if my soul is in jeopardy and I choose the wrong side then I will be supposedly damped for all eternity in Hell. This just does not seem fair based on the information available, we do not have time as human slaves that we are to work to obtain money to take take of our families and to eat and seep for more energy to preform more work. In between all this instead of doing endless research that comes to absolutely no conclusive rational thought, only confusion. Instead of wasting my time in search of what I may never find I would much rather spend time with my children and teach them to love. If my contract of my soul is force ably sighned under dire circumstances or that of threat, that contract should be Null and void. If I am judged at the end of time. I will beg for council with the most high of the most high of all the galaxies not Jupiter's prison cube. That I feel is not fair so if any pleadian,grey, drakko, feline race, Avion race or even the king of the planet nibiru can have wisdom to hear and understand my wish, I should be granted with the pure knowledge in order to make a decision that is important as my soul. Until then I will only ask Jesus wherever he may be to understand my plea as he was once in flesh and understands the confusion of mind. All due to us being dumbed down to only be a slave race. I beg the creator of all creators of all the galaxies to please give me knowledge. I pray for wisdom to know Truth. If given that ultimate truth and taken as Enoch was and shown truth I vow to never sin again, other than that. Nothing is fair, even Solomon the wisest man to ever live fell from God's grace and worshipped Molech. I just pray for wisdom my name is Ricky waycaster I am 30 years old, I'm tired of being afraid and I sorry for my sins but this is madness, the truth has been hidden. Why is so much hidden from us? Show me truth please so that I may know the true organic light from the synthetic one, lest not my soul be used as a dark matter energy source to illuminate the subterranean caverns of the fallen. My soul screams for freedom.

  12. Very true, all human beings can achieve enlightenment if they really want..

  13. The cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ was NOT a ‘symbol’ nor an ‘Idol’ ! It was the event of completion of His Divine Accomplishment on the behalf of his brothers and sisters.The great event of complete surrender in unfathomable love and intercession for his brothers,sisters resulted in Universal change as forgiveness reverberated throughout this space-time continuum and Jesus raised back to life and was totally present on this planet in his glorified Body... which reflected his accomplishment as he walked through walls, blessed bread and was revealed, defeated the doubts of Thomas by showing his wounds!The cross IS NOT the glorification of death �� rather it is the revelation that death was defeated!!!

  14. This is bullshit! Jesus is Lord and Savior.
    He came to this world in flash, in flash he rose from the grave. On that day when we see him we will change in a twinkling of an eye. We will become as he is, uncoruptable.
    Blessings to Lord allmighty. He that believe in Jesus Christ will never die, and no one will pluck him from from his arms. Wash your robes in blood of the lamb that taketh away sins of this world.Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice on the cross, you loved us first, thats why we love you...no one died for me but you...even death could not stop your love...my Lord and my Savior

  15. This is a doctrine of demons folks!! Satan’s first lie still going strong. He said to Eve” are you sure God said that? ( Instilling doubt). Then se says “ eat and your eyes will be open and you will be like God”.
    This is the doctrine of fallen angels whose major mission is to destroy God’s creation. All of the above implies that it is all about you, are you being divine, you reaching higher consciousness, you planning your complete destiny through your mind and it takes you away from what Jesus Christ did for you which is love you, die for your sins, resurrect, and offer you eternal life!! All of this was worried about in the Bible. Please seek Jesus and He will show you the way.

  16. This article is truth. Why would Jesus or his father want him to be in severe pain, beaten, spat on, kicked, stoned and tortured, nailed and hung from a cross? Doesn't make sense to me. Wake up fast brothers and sisters. Do you remember? Do you hear Caeayaron calling you?

  17. But why we should worship him anyway? We are all one infinite love so why we should worship something when we are all one?
