Sep 23, 2009

Reclaiming our role in the solar system

"Before we first incarnated here, we all agreed to be responsible inhabitants of this solar system. And at present we are not doing what we agreed upon and promised." ~ Maaike van Oosterom

There was a time on our planet when humans honored the relationship we had with our brother and sister planets in the solar system. Thousands of years ago, when the stars shone more brightly in the sky at night, humans lived in harmonic symbiosis with Nature. In those days the people on Earth were more intuitive than they are today. They were deeply sensitive to the many vibrations of Nature, and highly attuned to the varying levels of consciousness (such as nature spirits, elemental consciousness, the consciousness of rocks, and consciousness from the stars) that permeate existence.

These humans were not able to see every planet in our solar system with the naked eye. But they were able to intuit the great archetypal forces of the planets in the sky. They honored these forces.

A remnant of this long relationship with the solar system can be seen in today’s astrology. However, astrology focuses mainly on the effect that the other planets have on us. Whereas thousands of years ago, humans were likewise deeply aware of the effect that Gaia has on the other planets in the solar system. This is often forgotten in modern times.

Earth’s influence on other planets
Just as the vibration and consciousness of the other planets, like Jupiter, Mars or Uranus, influence life on Earth by creating energy fields that hold certain potentials, so does the vibration and consciousness of Gaia (Earth) influence the other planets. Take Mars for example: Gaia’s aspects with other planets-as viewed from Mars-create ‘Gaianesque’ fields of potential on Mars. She thus influences Mars as a planet, she influences events occurring on Mars’ surface (think of our missions to Mars.) And if there is any truth to the existence of life on Mars, be it in bacterial form, in more advanced physical forms, or as non-physical forms of consciousness, Gaia influences them, also.

The same holds true for all other planets in our solar system. They are all influenced by Gaia.

What does this mean for us?

We are part of Gaia. We are living on Earth’s surface and we are part of her energy field. In a healthy situation, all beings living on a planetary surface live in harmony with the planetary energy field. That is, when we live on a planet, we must all resonate with the core (= consciousness) of that planet.

Thus, in a healthy situation, when Gaia’s consciousness/energy flows out towards the other planets, we resonate with that energy. We are transmitters of Gaian energy on the planetary surface, and we contribute to interplanetary harmony by vibrating Gaian energy into the cosmos as we live our lives. But when we don’t resonate with the core (= consciousness) of our planet, we are like little distorting energy pulses that cause ‘static’ in Earth’s energy as it flows into the cosmos. And that is a serious problem.

In present time, we have littered the surface of Mother Earth with humans who do not resonate with her core. By our overpopulation and by our totally dysfunctional choice to resonate with the media instead of with Gaia, we are seriously hindering Earth’s ability to play her part in the Solar System. Since we are meant to support Gaia and harmonize with her, we are not playing our part in the solar system!

Before we first incarnated here, we have all agreed to honor the laws of the solar system and of planetary life. We agreed to honor the balance and harmony of the planets and the Sun. We agreed to harmonize and resonate with the planet upon which we lived. We not only agreed to be responsible Keepers of Earth’s surface, we also agreed to be responsible inhabitants of this solar system. And at present we are not doing what we agreed upon and promised.

Licking our wounds
Our Solar System and Universe Society have long had patience with the human species. There is a lot of understanding for our species and for all the grave errors that we have made. Why? About 11,500 years ago humans were severely traumatized when a gigantic cataclysm wrecked not only our own planet, but almost the entire solar system. (See “Catastrophobia: The Truth behind Earth Changes” by Barbara Hand Clow.) This is the reason that humans have lost their natural resonance with Earth and with the cosmos. We became fearful of Earth and the cosmos. We no longer trusted them. We neither trusted them to keep us safe, nor to give us what we needed.

The human race is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder en masse, which is the reason behind our aggressive behavior. Long periods of starvation after the great cataclysm have caused our species to develop a fear-based inner drive to hoard, and to want to have more than we need. This subconscious fear-driven desire has ultimately brought us to our present war, greed and fear-filled consumerist way of life. We are far, far away from healthy resonance with our Mother Earth.

Earth, the Solar System and the Universe have long tolerated this. They understood that we needed time to recover from the major trauma that we suffered. But now it is time for us to heal. We have to remember the major trauma and we have to let go of our fearful coping mechanisms, for they are destroying the planet. We can no longer jam-pack Earth’s surface with our distorting energy pulses. We must go back into resonance with Gaia and remember that our consciousness as Gaians (earthlings) influences the entire solar system.

What can I do?
Remembering is the most important thing now. Remember that your consciousness influences not just Earth, but the entire solar system. Remember that you agreed to live in harmony here, when you first came to this corner of the galaxy. Remember that it is your job to be a responsible Earthling. That you must resonate with Gaia.


Resonate and live in harmony with nature. Realize that your fear of hunger, your fear of disaster and your fear of violence are all remnants of an ancient trauma. We have spent several thousands of years acting out this old trauma. Now it is time to let it go and simply heal.

More posts on this topic will follow. For now, just remember.


PS. Barbara Hand Clow teaches that in order for us to heal this trauma, we must remember our (true!) story. I therefore highly recommend her book 'Catastrophobia: The Truth Behind Earth Changes' which tells the story of the cataclysm and its devastating effects on humanity, even in present time. You can order it here.

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