Sep 19, 2009

'Going out of body': an unnatural habit

Humans have detached themselves from the universal macrocosm by becoming ungrounded, by separating themselves from their Inner Light and by going out of their bodies. The quarantine is reciprocal! ~ Maaike van Oosterom

As many of us know, these days humans have a tendency to go out of their bodies when they experience trauma or pain. This is often seen as a ‘natural’ coping mechanism that prevents us from suffering. However, going out of body when in pain or stress, is not natural. It is a relatively new habit, one we took on only about 10,000 – 12,000 years ago. And it is not healthy. In fact, going out of body inhibits our natural ability to heal, it causes us to suffer much more pain than necessary and it leaves us vulnerable to trauma.

But if it is so unhealthy, then why are we doing it?

About 11,500 years ago, Earth went through a great cataclysm. (See 'Catastrophobia: The Truth behind Earth Changes' by Barbara Hand Clow.) Humans were deeply traumatized and lost their trust in Earth, Nature and the cosmos. Our natural symbiosis with Earth, Nature and the cosmos was shattered. As a result, we forgot our natural way to heal.

In this post I want to tell you about our long-forgotten natural way to heal, and teach you how you can do it yourself.

Humankind's natural way to heal
What is this ‘natural way to heal’ and how do I know about it? When I travel back in time – either by past-life regression, trance-travel, exploring cellular memory codes, or in readings of other people’s past lives – I nearly always find that before the cataclysm, humans were much less affected by pain or disease. They handled – even severe – wounding with a lot more grace and peacefulness than we do these days.

I often wondered how they did this. Had we modern humans become such wimps?

So I went back and scanned ( ‘read’) the energy fields of the wounded pre-cataclysmic humans, who were so peaceful despite their serious physical conditions. I had thought that perhaps it was necessary to become nearly enlightened first to attain that level of grace. Fortunately, this is not the case.

What pre-cataclysmic humans did, is this:

1) You connect as deeply as you can with Earth.
2) You connect as deeply as you can with your body – including the area that is in pain.
3) You connect as deeply as you can with your ‘inner light’.

That's all.

I went back and tested it in my own life, and the results are astounding. Pain (even severe pain) goes away or becomes bearable in less than one minute, healing is accelerated, and chronic conditions disappear.

How did I test it?
So how did I test it? I tested it e.g. when I fell from the top of a steep stairway and crashed my knee into a metal bar. I tested it when I broke my toe. I tested it when my thumb got crushed between the jaws of a fanatic fighter dog (it didn’t attack me, we both grabbed a stick at the same time, and the dog did not let go). I used the ancient method of handling pain and each time the results were as above. In less than a minute the pain disappeared.

Interestingly, I had liberal opportunity to experiment with this ancient method of handling pain. I had a chronic condition, resulting from a broken tailbone, which had for more than 16 years caused me excruciating pains when I used the bathroom. These pains were so bad that they often caused me to vomit or faint. I had learned several techniques for dealing with pain: Breathing, for one. And ‘not resisting the pain’ as an important second. These techniques really helped to ride out the pain.

But when I started using the ancient technique described above, something completely different happened:

In less than a minute, the pain completely vanished. It did not just lessen. It was gone. Where normally I would be in terrible pain for up to 20 – 30 minutes, the pain now simply disappeared. More interestingly: After about two weeks of using this technique, the pains became less frequent and within 3 months they ceased.

How does it work?
a) When we connect with Earth and simultaneously with our bodies, we enable Earth to read or scan our bodies. She then instantly responds by sending us what we need to heal and feel better.
b) When we connect with our Inner Light, we connect with the stars and the light/consciousness in the cosmos.
c) When we connect with our Inner Light and simultaneously with our bodies, we enable the light/consciousness in the cosmos to read or scan our bodies. They then instantly respond by sending us what we need to heal and feel better.

As above, so below: Just as our whole body responds to the needs of individual organs which are in trouble or in pain, so does the whole universe respond to the needs of species, or of individuals of that species, who are in trouble or in pain. But the trick is: Before the universe or Earth respond, they must first know that something’s wrong.

In order for Earth/Gaia to attune to our needs, we have to be in touch with Earth (grounded) and simultaneously in touch with our bodies.
In order for the Universe to attune to our needs, we have to be in touch with our Inner Light and simultaneously in touch with our bodies.

Humans have detached themselves from the universal macrocosm by becoming ungrounded, by separating themselves from their Inner Light and by going out of their bodies!! There is a lot of talking about Earth’s quarantine. But the quarantine is reciprocal!

If your consciousness is out of touch with your body, or out of touch with an aspect of your life, how are Earth and the Universe to know that it is part of you? When you go out of your body to escape your pain, the light/consciousness of the stars will feel you as a spirit in distress reaching out to them. But they’ll barely be able to feel your body. When you are in pain, Earth wants nothing more than to help you. But when you leave your body and try hard not to feel the pain, she cannot properly tune in to your needs. She will feel your body, but since your spirit in distress is ‘out of your body’ and not in touch with her, she will barely be able to feel your pain. How then will she know that her help is required?

In other words, for humans to be healthy, they have to master the alchemy of:
1) being in touch with Earth
2) being in touch with their bodies and their 3rd dimensional lives
3) being in touch with their Inner Light.

How can I learn this?
When you next experience pain, simply begin by connecting as deeply with Earth as you can. Don’t just use a grounding cord. Use your intent and ask all parts of your body and consciousness that know how to connect with Earth, to do so.

Then, connect deeply with your body. Especially with the part(s) of your body that hurt(s). Feel the pain as deeply as you can. Feel your discomfort and your distress.

At this point you may need a little trust. For most of us it will be very scary to do this. For several thousands of years we have been conditioned/inclined to flee from pain and to go out of our bodies. You may need to clear out your own fear and old beliefs first. Remember, feeling your pain while you are simultaneously connected with Earth, enables Earth to know what is going on with you. It is like telling the doctor where it hurts. Trust! She will instantly respond with pain relief. But you must let her feel how bad it is. In other words, you must feel the depths of your pain.

Then, connect as deeply as you can with your Inner Light. Remember to stay connected with your body and with Earth.

That’s all.

Practice makes perfect
This is a practice. The first few times it may be challenging to stay in your body, to ground and to connect with your pain. It may also be challenging to stay connected with Earth and your body once you connect with your Inner Light, because it is very tempting to shoot up into the Light and out of your body once you feel the cosmic energies coming in to heal and soothe you.

Be patient with yourself and keep trying. For example: When I fell down the stairs and smashed my knee against a metal bar, I felt myself instantly going out of my body. Nausea filled me and I was about to faint, when I remembered to connect with Earth. I immediately plunked back down into my body and for a moment the pain rose to unbearable height. But I trusted, connected more deeply with the pain and inwardly screamed my agony out to Earth. Within 15 seconds the pain began to fade, and disappeared.

This may sound easy, but I was able to trust, because I had done it before. By this time I had experienced many times how fast Earth comes rushing in with pain relief and healing. The first few times I tried it, I really struggled with my deep inner urge to go out of my body and flee from the pain. I often panicked. It was only because the pain relief and healing that I received from Earth, was equal to my ability to stay grounded and in my body and to feel the pain, that I kept trying. Once I learned to trust that Earth would really come with pain relief, it got a lot easier.

And that’s the most important point. Humans have to learn to trust Earth again. I believe that one of the most important keys to our health – and to world peace – is that we have to reawaken our symbiotic relationship with Earth and the cosmos.

Good luck! And if you want, let me know how it goes. I’d really appreciate your feedback.


PS. Following legitimate comments from readers, I would like to add that this post is about going out of body when we experience pain or stress. According to the Pleiadians there are situations in which it is ok for humans to go out of body:

- when we sleep
- when we intentionally journey out of body (e.g. shamanic journeys), provided that we ensure additional protection of the physical form that stays behind!
- when a very serious wound, disease or blow to the head renders us unconscious
- when we die


  1. Thank you...keep up the good work... please share more knowledge......Aum

  2. Dearest Maaike, this could also help to detoxify one's body? I am right now in the process of removal of my dental mercury amalgalms and I would like to know if this technique could also serve for me to recover my normal balance, and if not how can I do this. Thank you so much Namaste.

  3. Dag Maaike

    Ik ben Irene uit Belgie en heb me aangemeld voor september workshop in maastricht, ik wil heel graag je blog lezen is helaas in het engels.... dat beheers ik niet voldoende Is het mogelijk ... het te bezorgen in het Nederlands ...
    Vanharte dank en ik ben blij en kijk uit naar september

  4. This definately reminds me of the Maaike I once knew many many years ago. You make me smile! Hopefully you have forgiven me by now ...... ?
