Sep 1, 2009

Clearer communication with E.T. intelligences

In this first post I would like to contradict a very popular new age idea, namely the belief that E.T. intelligences (be it Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, or whichever E.T. intelligence one might like to communicate with) do not understand 3rd dimensional reality. How often have I not heard, "The Pleiadians do not understand what it is like to be in a physical body," "The Andromedans do not understand time," "The Sirians give advice that is way too wild, they have no idea what my Earthly life is like!"

Here's the deal, people: The Pleiadians and many of their extraterrestrial consorts are perfectly capable of understanding what our 3D life is like. They are capable of tuning in to us and scanning our bodies, our environments and everything that is going on in our lives. However, in order for them to be able to do this, we must be in our bodies, grounded in our 3D reality, and consciously aware of and in touch with our environment.

A lot of new agers let their consciousness go up into the higher dimensions when they meditate, or when they communicate with E.T. intelligences such as the Pleiadians. This is perfectly fine. However, you must realize: When humans meditate like this, the Pleiadians perceive these humans as 'bodiless spirits/intelligences' appearing in the higher dimensions. If your consciousness leaves your body while you communicate with the Pleiadians, and if you are neither aware of nor in touch with your body during your communication, then you make it very hard for the Pleiadians to locate your body and to read its codes, also.

When you use your consciousness to communicate with E.T. intelligences, the E.T. intelligences can scan, tune into and read everything that your consciousness is aware of. If you are out of touch with something, E.T. intelligences usually have trouble reading/scanning it, also.

Imagine you hurt your toe really badly. You go out of your body, attempting not to feel the pain, and you call out to the Pleiadians for aid. The Pleiadians are then able to feel your consciousness in distress, and they'll probably want to help. But as long as you are trying hard not to be in touch with your body, they can barely locate the source of the problem. At the most, they'll be able to feel the little bit of pain that you are not able to block out of your consciousness.

What this means is that, if you want the Pleiadians to help you with your painful toe, you must feel your toe and your pain as deeply as you can. Feel the discomfort, feel the bruising, feel the pain. Be present with your aching toe, in the here and now. Only then will the Pleiadians be able to scan your toe and know what is going on. Once you learn to do this, you will find that the Pleiadians are masters at working with - and healing - the human body. They are extremely knowledgable about our human bodies.

Notice that it works this way with all communications with E.T. intelligences - and with terrestrial intelligences (trees, rocks, elementals, etc) as well, btw.

Therefore if you ask E.T. intelligences for advice, don't go up in the ethers if you want them to give you advice about daily life. Stay in your body and feel all components of your daily life as best as you can. Show them your time or work restraints by being aware of them yourself, and you will see that the E.T. intelligences will incorporate your time or work restraints in their advice.

If you complain that the E.T. intelligences you work with do not understand your life, ask yourself: How in touch with your life are you when you communicate with them? Do you allow your consciousness to go over the trouble in your life? Or do you bliss out in your communion with these wonderful E.T. beings, and block out any awareness of your earthly life for as long as the communion lasts?

If your E.T. pals do not seem to understand 'in the now' are you while you communicate with them?

Try it. I find from more than a year of personal experience that it works.


PS. If you want to learn how to be in touch with other dimensions while simultaneously being grounded in your body in the 3rd dimension, I highly recommend the book 'Alchemy of Nine Dimensions' by Barbara Hand Clow and Gerry Clow, as well as the 'Journeys Through Nine Dimensions' workshops that Barbara and Gerry Clow teach.

If you live in Europe, you can also do a Nine Dimensions activation/workshop with me. I will be teaching several 9 dimensions workshops in Europe in the 2009/2010 season, dates will be announced soon. If you'd like to attend, or if you'd like me to teach in your area (world wide), send me an email at pleiadianpeaceplan @ gmail . com or go to my website for more details.


  1. Thank you so much for your work, all of your posts have helped me inmensely. I am also a true Barbara Hand Clow follower. We are blessed :) and you are right: our bodily experience is the source of our power.
